Atlantic City - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网

Atlantic City

It’s A Great Day in Atlantic City

Atlantic City is one of America’s most famous resort cities. 大西洋城位于新泽西州的大西洋海岸,被称为“美国最受欢迎的游乐场”. 这座城市以其赌场、美丽宽阔的海滩和标志性的木板路而闻名. Atlantic City is one of the most visited cities in the country. Founded in the 1800s as a health resort, Atlantic City has luxury high-rise hotels, swanky nightclubs, and high-end shopping and restaurants. In addition to casino gaming, the city has several sports books. 

Atlantic City is on Absecon Island, along with other shore towns, Ventnor, Margate, and Longport, collectively known as “Downbeach.这座城市著名的海滨长廊和木板路从海湾上的加德纳盆地开始, along the Atlantic Ocean, and into neighboring Ventnor. That is more than seven miles!

The Atlantic City beaches are world-famous, and they are free. 几乎所有的东西都在距离城市的海滩和木板路步行距离之内. 

在木板路上散步或骑自行车的游客可以进入赌场, restaurants, shows, and shopping.

For shopping, Atlantic City has everything. The Walk is located at the base of the Atlantic City Expressway. There is a Bass Pro Shop, Dave & Buster’s, and the Tanger Outlets with brand name stores like H&M、耐克、Coach、Old Navy、Forever 21、Tommy Hilfiger等等! On the Atlantic City Boardwalk, you will find Atlantic City favorites, such as salt-water taffy, fudge, souvenirs, and specialty shops. 沿着大西洋大道,商店出售服装,鞋类,珠宝,太阳镜,手表,和更多. 

All roads lead to Atlantic City. 从汽车上看,城市入口位于大西洋城高速公路的底部. 黑马高速公路(322号公路)和白马高速公路(30号公路)的入口非常便利. 

大西洋城铁路终点站从大西洋城的任何地方步行或开车都很短. 大西洋城线在费城第30街站为美国铁路公司提供火车服务. The line also connects to the PATCO High-Speed Line.

除了轨道交通,该市还有几种地面公共交通选择. A bus or Jitney is just a short walk away. More than a dozen NJ Transit bus lines serve the city. Another form of transportation is Atlantic City’s unique jitneys. 这些小巴在城市的几条固定路线上连续不断地载客. 捷运车还为大西洋城铁路终点站提供免费服务.

Atlantic City International Airport is just 15 minutes away. Philadelphia Airport is just an hour away, 纽约大都会机场可以通过花园州公园路到达.

大西洋城有超过20个展示厅和竞技场,几乎每个周末都会举办顶级娱乐活动. 也许这个城市最著名和最大的竞技场是位于达克镇的吉姆惠兰木板路大厅. 木板路大厅是一个多功能的竞技场,可容纳18000人. The building opened in 1929 and hosts trade shows, concerts, sporting events, and other events at the beachfront location. The exterior of the building features a nighttime light show. Boardwalk Hall is also a National Historic Landmark, 这里曾是美国小姐选美大赛的举办地,拥有世界上最大的乐器(管风琴).

但丁大厅是一个250个座位的表演艺术中心,由斯托克顿大学运营. 剧院举办各种艺术和音乐作品,位于前St. Michael’s School on Mississippi Avenue.

The aptly named Arts Garage is just that. 这是一个艺术画廊和工作室空间,位于步行停车场的底层. The Noyes Museum of Stockton University operates the Arts Garage.


Lenni Lenape部落是现在被称为大西洋城地区的第一批居民. European settlement would come in the late 1700s, 但直到卡姆登和大西洋铁路建成,大西洋城的名字才被采用,这个地区才得到开发. Train service began in 1854, and by the 1870s, 每年有近50万火车乘客来到大西洋城.

By the later part of the 19th century, immense and luxurious hotels had been built, such as the Surf Hotel, and the United States Hotel, which when completed, was the largest in the nation. It covered an entire city block and had over 2,000 rooms. The first boardwalk was built in 1870. Large hotels were built on the boardwalk, such as Mayflower, Brighton, Shelburne, Chalfonte House, and Haddon Hall. 到本世纪末,大西洋城被称为“美国的游乐场”.”

Expansion continued through the early part of the 20th century. 在这一时期建造的两个标志性酒店是马尔堡-布伦海姆酒店和特雷莫尔酒店. 特雷莫尔大厦有16层,成为大西洋城的地标. 1930年开业的克拉里奇酒店(Claridge)是该城在博彩业之前的最后一家大型酒店. 

The notable political boss and racketeer Nucky Johnson, of Boardwalk Empire fame, rose to power during this period and through Prohibition, largely unenforced in Atlantic City. 在同一时期,大西洋城的市长是爱德华·巴德. 贝德因他的领导而被人们铭记,他在大西洋城建造了一个名为贝德机场的机场. 巴德尔还在建造会议大厅(现在的木板路大厅)和建立美国小姐比赛方面发挥了重要作用. 

The popular Parker Brothers game, Monopoly, 以大西洋城的街道为原型,于1935年首次上市. 20世纪30年代到60年代也是夜总会娱乐的全盛时期. Famous clubs included the Paradise Club, 500 Club, and Club Harlem, and stars like Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, Count Basie, Lionel Hampton, Sarah Vaughan, Billy Eckstine, and Jerry Lewis performed at the clubs.

But Atlantic City’s fortunes would decline by the 1960’s. Many businesses closed or relocated. 许多一流的酒店要么关闭,要么被改造成其他类型的住宅. Eventually, most would be demolished. 

在20世纪70年代,为了促进大西洋城的重建,赌场赌博被提议. In 1974, a statewide referendum to legalize casino gambling failed, 但两年后,公投通过了大西洋城的赌场合法化. Resorts Atlantic City was the first casino to open in 1978; by 1990, there were more than ten casinos. 

从20世纪90年代到2014年的经济衰退导致几家赌场关闭. However, several were reopened under new management, and with the legalization of sports wagering, Atlantic City’s casinos became profitable once more.


大西洋城的主要商业活动是赌博和招待. 最近的一项研威尼斯人官网表明,博彩业为该州经济贡献了近120亿美元,并支持了50多个州,000 jobs. 这意味着超过20亿美元的税收可用于支持教育, programs for seniors, and more.

Atlantic City has nine casinos, 在2023年,他们创造了超过50亿美元的游戏总收入的历史新高. 这一记录是由于新的收入来源,特别是网络游戏和体育博彩. 这导致大西洋城的游戏相关和非游戏投资增加.

大西洋城有很多非赌场和家庭娱乐景点. 这里有室内水上乐园、直升机、巨大的摩天轮等等.

The Frank S. Farley State Marina is located on Absecon Bay. 这个码头有600多个船坞,可以容纳从水上摩托艇到长达300英尺的游艇等各种游艇. 该码头是由金块赌场管理的公共设施, and gamblers can play blackjack or craps outside, adjacent to the docks and restaurants. Directly across from the Farley Marina is Gardner’s Basin, which is home to the Atlantic City Aquarium, shops, and restaurants, as well as charter and party boats.

Two colleges have campuses in Atlantic City. 大西洋角社区学院(ACCC)和斯托克顿大学都在大西洋城校区提供学分和继续教育课程. Stockton’s Atlantic City campus, which opened in 2019, has already made important contributions to the local economy, 在大西洋城的木板路上有一座新教学楼和两座新宿舍. 

There are dozens of churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, and other places of worship in Atlantic City. 许多人被认为是他们社区的焦点,比如圣. 迈克尔的,以前的天主教堂和学校,现在在达克敦的但丁大厅. 其他著名的礼拜场所包括第二浸信会教堂,圣. 奥古斯丁圣公会教堂,圣母海之星,切尔西浸信会教堂,圣. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Ciudad de Luz Church, Rodef Shalom Orthodox Synagogue, Sree Sree Gita Sangha, Masjid Al-Hera mosque, and Masjid Al-Taqwa mosque. A directory of religious organizations can be found here.

亚特兰大地区医疗中心(ARMC),大西洋城校区位于大西洋城的中心. ARMC在这个位置提供许多服务,包括门诊护理、成像和住院护理. 附近还有医生办公室,有全科医生和专家. 

大西洋城有几个地区和社区,每个都有自己独特的特点. These areas include the Boardwalk, Marina area, Uptown, Downtown, Venice Park, Chelsea, Chelsea Heights, Ducktown, and North Beach. 在社区和海滩街区有独户住宅. 整个城市也有许多共管公寓和公寓大楼. 

For those looking to own a home in Atlantic City, there are programs to assist with down payment and financing.

大西洋县改善管理局(ACIA)为大西洋城和购房者提供首付款援助计划. For more information, click here.

大西洋城房屋翻新计划由美国房产协会管理,可以协助现有房屋的翻新. Download information and an application here.

大西洋城住房管理局有房屋所有权项目, Section 23 Home Ownership, and Section 8y Housing Choice Voucher Home Ownership Plan. For more information on these programs, and others, visit this link.

新泽西州住房和抵押贷款金融局(NJHMFA)首次购房者抵押贷款计划为符合条件的购房者提供融资. 该计划可以与NJHMFA首付援助计划(DPA)相结合。, which provides qualified homebuyers with up to $15,作为首付款和/或成交费用,取决于所购房产所在的县. DPA是一种免利息贷款,没有月供. 如果借款人连续将该房屋作为其主要住所居住5年,则免除DPA. Call-1-800NJHOME for details on these programs.


Large and small businesses continue to invest in Atlantic City. Casinos have invested more than $1 billion in the past decade. With the casino industry bullish on Atlantic City, many organizations are promoting development efforts. 有些是在州和地区一级,而另一些则有特定的地方重点. 

赌场再投资发展局(CRDA)是一个州政府机构,负责指导赌场再投资基金在公共和私人项目中的支出,以造福大西洋城, as well as other areas of the state. 资金由大西洋城的赌场通过法律规定的公式提供. 截至2022年底,CRDA已在全州范围内投资近20亿美元,其中1亿美元用于建设.8 billion was invested in Atlantic City.

CRDA利用私人资金支持重建项目. In support of redevelopment, CRDA还监督大西洋城旅游区的土地使用规划. CRDA还致力于通过在木板路大厅推广娱乐活动和会议来吸引游客到大西洋城, the Atlantic City Convention Center, beach concerts, and other local venues.

Locally, 商业组织和开发公司也致力于促进城市不同地区的投资. 


For those looking to own a home in Ducktown, there are programs to assist with down payment and financing.

For more information, click here

切尔西经济发展公司[Chelsea EDC /CEDC]是一家非营利性发展公司,与当地利益相关者合作,扩大大西洋城切尔西社区的经济机会,提高生活质量. The CEDC also has homeownership programs.

For more information click here.

大西洋城发展公司(AC Devco)是一家非营利性的再开发公司,领导了门户地区的转型再开发, located in the Chelsea neighborhood of Atlantic City. AC网关项目的第一阶段包括斯托克顿大学的宿舍和教室空间, 以及将南泽西天然气公司总部迁至大西洋城. 

For more information click here.

North Beach Atlantic City, is a group of businesses, including Hard Rock Atlantic City, Ocean Casino Resort, Resorts Casino Hotel, The Showboat Hotel, The Steel Pier, Absecon Lighthouse, 和田纳西大道上的一些商家共同推广北滩部分. 

For more information, visit here.

The cannabis industry is a new opportunity for Atlantic City. New Jersey has legalized adult-use cannabis, 大西洋城已经完全选择允许所有成人使用的大麻企业. 该市通过了一些条例,并成立了一个大麻审查委员会来审查申请,并向市议会和拥有该市规划权力的委员会提供咨询意见. 希望在旅游区内经营的申请人也须经赌场再投资发展局(CRDA)批准。. 

Further information can be found here.


对于大西洋县企业| ACIA商业贷款可以与小企业管理贷款相结合,以获得最大的影响

Click here for details



For New Jersey Businesses | Various Loans and Incentives | Click here for details


Primary Contact

Municipality Data

通过下面的链接查找有关该城市人口统计的详细信息, including total population, median income, number of households and more.,_Atlantic_County,_New_Jersey?g=060XX00US3400102080

Major Roads and Highways:

Business Financing Availability

Workforce Training Contact:

Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

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