Absecon - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网


Enjoy the “Bay Life” in Absecon. 水上生活是在Absecon生活和游览的重要组成部分. Located on Absecon Bay, Absecon is just minutes from the Jersey Shore beaches, as well as the casinos, restaurants and shopping of Atlantic City.

下班后,购物,或一天的水,Absecon有很多提供. There are local pubs, as well as restaurants with a variety of cuisines; including Italian, Seafood, Chinese, Mexican, and more. 那些正在寻找一个方便舒适的住宿地点的人会发现在阿布塞肯有很多住宿选择, such as hotels, motels and historic Bed and Breakfast inns.

热爱大自然的人会喜欢这里的许多公园和户外娱乐设施, like Turner Cove, Faunce Landing, and the Absecon Wildlife Management Area. 它们都是钓鱼、划船和观赏自然的好去处.

Absecon is in southern Atlantic County, bordering Galloway Township, Egg Harbor Township, Pleasantville, and Atlantic City. Absecon靠近花园州公园大道和大西洋城高速公路,交通方便. 距离大西洋城国际机场仅15分钟路程. Philadelphia Airport is just an hour away, 纽约大都会机场可以通过花园州公园路到达.

Absecon is on the Atlantic City Rail Line, 在费城第30街车站为美铁提供新泽西运输列车服务. The line also connects to the PATCO High Speed Line.

从海岸路和市中心的历史悠久的房屋到阿布西肯海岸的天际线景观, 对于那些想住在Absecon的人来说,有很多选择. Absecon has apartments, condominiums, retirement communities, 以及拥有独户住宅的传统社区. Whether you are looking for a first or second home, or just want to visit, Absecon is a place you’ll love!

Absecon Facts

Absecon是由加洛韦镇和蛋港镇的一部分组成的城镇. The city was then incorporated in 1902.

Absecon这个名字来自Lenape单词Absegami,意思是“小水”。. 莱纳佩人历史上的领土包括今天阿布塞孔附近的地区, and many local place names are of Lenape origin.

English and Dutch settlers arrived in the early 1700’s. 该地区在整个18世纪不断发展,到18世纪末,Absecon已成为一个繁忙的海港. Docks and wharves lined Absecon creek. This led to the settlement of a town area. The United Methodist Church was established in 1796, while the historic Pitney House was built in 1799. 造船和航运一直活跃到19世纪中期, 直到铁路开始取代轮船成为一种交通工具, which brought new opportunities for expansion. In 1854, the Camden-Atlantic Railroad was built, 乘客就可以从费城出发,经阿布西肯到达大西洋城.

Absecon has preserved many of its historical properties. The Jonathan Pitney House, Absecon Inn, Odd Fellows Hall, Absecon的历史社会博物馆都位于镇中心. For more information on Absecon’s history, click here.


有停车场,还有一个船坡道位于芳斯登陆. 这里有两条专为皮划艇和独木舟设计的船坡道. Faunce Landing also has a crabbing and fishing pier. These features make this spot popular with anglers. 那些欣赏自然的人也会想要参观附近的福赛斯国家野生动物保护区, 沿着新泽西海岸的后海湾绵延50英里, from Barnegat Bay to Reeds Bay, which runs along the Absecon border. 福赛斯保护区包括几条风景优美的步道, and the popular Wildlife Drive, 那里有瞭望塔和大西洋城天际线的壮观景色.

生态旅游者会想要参观这两个提供徒步旅行机会的地区, wildlife observation, photography, and more!

距离亚特兰大地区医疗中心大陆校区仅十分钟路程. 该中心在多个专业领域被地区公认为美国100家最佳医院之一.

斯托克顿大学是新泽西州最好的大学之一,距离酒店只有几分钟的路程. 斯托克顿在附近的加洛韦镇和大西洋城都有校区. 斯托克顿大学是全美顶尖的公立大学之一,拥有100多个本科和研威尼斯人官网生课程.

Economic Development

Ready to do business in Absecon? 阿布塞康市有几个商业区,每个商业区都有一个独特的重点. There is the walkable Downtown Central Business District, where you’ll find restaurants, neighborhood shops and retail stores. 大型零售商店包括ShopRite和Home Depot,这是Absecon最大的两家雇主.

Hotels, chain restaurants, shopping centers, 零售和其他商业企业沿着白马派克走廊, a major thoroughfare which continues into Atlantic City. 这条交通繁忙的高速公路沿线的其他商业包括:

  • 工业区鼓励轻工业用途的集中, administrative offices, warehousing and support services, 同时也可以到达大西洋县的主要工业区. 该区域包括利兹大道上的Absecon工业和商业园区, which is home to one of Absecon’s largest employers, United Parcel Service.
  • The Train Station Area Overlay promotes mixed uses, 以促进Absecon中央商务区的步行环境, as well as the use of mass transit. With Absecon’s Train Station as the focus, 目标是继续市中心中央商务区的重建. 该火车站是连接费城的大西洋城铁路线的一部分, Atlantic City, and Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor.

Absecon还支持和鼓励新型业务, including cannabis-related businesses in cultivation, distribution and retail.

Absecon的经济发展委员会对与经济有关的所有事项负有立法监督责任, 商业及商业推广及发展, 包括促销活动,寻求资金来源和赠款,以及发展与城市企业的联系, local merchants and economic development groups.


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对新泽西企业|各种贷款和激励| Click here for details

Primary Contact

Municipality Data

通过下面的链接查找有关该城市人口统计的详细信息, including total population, median income, number of households and more.

Major Roads and Highways:


Business Financing Availability

Workforce Training Contact:


Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

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